Decalomaniacs! British Markings
1, The BEF (DM033)
by Frank De Sisto
Waterslide decals in 1/35th-scale. Price: $8.00 USD, plus shipping.
Continuing their quest for the unusual, this manufacturer has begun a
series of markings for British AFVs in WW2, in this case, those used by
the British Expeditionary Force (BEF) in France during 1939 and 1940.
This sheet contains the following: a pair each of squadron signs (diamond,
circle, square and triangle) in four different colors (red, white, blue,
yellow) for a total of 32 items. Divisions covered include: 1st Armoured
Division, Guards Armoured Division, 1st, 3rd and 4th Infantry Divisions,
51st Highland Division and the 13/18 Hussars Regiment. In each case there
are markings for at least two vehicles (three for the 1st Armoured Division).
Arm of Service (AoS) flashes are provided for 13 different regiments,
while there are also 12 yellow bridging circles with separate black classification
numbers. Finally, pairs of white registration (“census”) numbers
are provided for 36 vehicles. These include “T” (for tanks
and carriers) and “F” (for wheeled AFVs) prefixes.
Printing is nicely done as is registration on the smaller divisional
signs. Color saturation is slightly on the “light” side, especially
in the reds and greens on the AoS flashes. However, this actually works
in the modeler’s favor since the colors can be said to be “in
scale”. The printing is done on paper that features a continuous
clear backing, so each marking will need to be carefully trimmed before
immersion in water. The instructions contain charts that detail what marking
goes where on this generic sheet, and references are given. It is strongly
suggested that the modeler consult them for best results.
Again, another nice one from those New Jersey screw-balls.
All white items on the decal sheets are shown in black for clarity.
Decalcomaniacs! products are available direct from the manufacturer in
care of: Georg Eyerman, 315 South Avenue, Garwood, NJ, 07027, USA. Web
site: www.decalcomaniacs.net,
e-mail: decals@decalcomaniacs.net.