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Karaya Panther Tow Cables

James Blackwell

For those hell-bent on detailing to the n'th degree, and in particular frustrated with kit tow cables (or more often lack of them), look no further. Karaya out of Poland has come to the rescue with the most realistic, in-scale looking, braided wire yet released. It mimics the diameter, thread pattern and twist almost perfectly as well as supplying a fair few very nicely done resin cable eyes.
In the Panther set, 40cm of very malleable (read: stays where it is bent with no spring) copper wire is provided for the main tow cables and 22cm of finer weave for the track changing cable. While only enough main cable to do 2 (ie. one vehicle), a choice is provided with 2 sets of 4 resin cable eyes supplied. Four of the more common 'teardrop' design, and 4 of a less common squarer hole. Two smaller eyes are supplied also for the single track changing cable seen stowed around a bracket on the RHS.
All up these are the best scale tow cables and eyes I've yet seen, and the fact the they stay where they are put with no tensile spring is a huge bonus to avoiding broken or bend kit parts. Highly recommended!
Available direct from: http://www.karaya.ilawa.com,

Air Connection in Canada: http://www.airconnection.on.ca/Default.htm 

Model Supply Team in The Netherlands http://www.modelsupplyteam.nl/:


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