Bison Decal Sheet 35007 Challenger
2 MBT “In Iraq”
by Graeme Davidson
This sheet is screen printed and includes markings for 3 complete tanks
as follows:
RoyalScots Dragoon Guards “One One Bravo” [11B]
RoyalScots Dragoon Guards “Four One” [41]
2 RoyalTank Regiment “Four Zero” [40]
Instructions comprise a single photo copied sheet with somewhat small
call-out plan views and a decal legend. The legend is something different
as individual markings are not identified by and subscript on the sheet
itself. There are also a few internet and print references provided. The
film looks quite good and registration is very good with only a slight
off-set of white on the Union Flag.
These would do well on a Trumpeter Challenger 2, but I believe the RSDG
11B callsign is already included in the new Tamiya kit.