Home > Reviews > Modern > Bison Decal Sheet 35008 Challenger 2 MBT “Op Telic 2003”


Bison Decal Sheet 35008 Challenger 2 MBT “Op Telic 2003”

by Graeme Davidson

This sheet is screen printed and includes markings for four complete tanks as follows:

Queen’s Royal Lancers “Two Two” [22], Iraq ‘03
Royal Scots Dragoon Guards “One One” [11], Iraq ‘03
2 Royal Tank Regiment “Two One” [21], Iraq ‘03
Queen’s Royal Hussars “Six Zero” [60], Iraq ‘04

Instructions comprise a single photo copied sheet with somewhat small call-out plan views and a decal legend. The legend is something different as individual markings are not identified by and subscript on the sheet itself. There are also a few internet and print references provided. The film looks quite good and registration is very good with only a hair-width off set of white on the Union Flag, so make sure you trim right up to the bottom edge. The larger Lancer Skulls are very well done (the close up shows a smaller one, which is not called out for use on the QRL tank for some reason), and you can plainly make out the “Or Glory” motto.

These would do well on a Trumpeter Challenger 2, but the 2 RTR call-sign 21 markings are duplicated in the new Tamiya kit. The Tamiya kit decals for this option have some minor discrepancies compared to the Bison instructions, so the best advice is to find a picture of the specific vehicle you want to model and base your markings off a photo.