Home > Reviews > Modern > Eduard M36 Jackson interior (35664)


Eduard M36 Jackson interior (35664)

by Frank De Sisto

Eduard has departed from the treatment given to Academy’s earlier M10-based kits in that they have treated this latest TD in a “two set” fashion, as opposed to giving interior and exterior parts as one set. The two etch frets are complimented by a choice of either printed paper or a film instrument dial insert, while the instructions are four pages long.

The hull interior gets new tread plate panels with finer detail than those in the kit, driver’s controls and foot pedals, and details for the seat backs. These details include lap belts, which I am not sure were standard equipment for these vehicles. There are also various separate panels, box lids and clasps, fire extinguisher bracket, radio rack and Thompson SMG clamps. The ammo racks get straps, but they are designed for the ammo storage as given in the kit, which is the incorrect 3-inch type instead of the 90mm type. Finally, there are new periscope head details and rotating plates for the driver’s hatches.

Note that the instrument panel is only suitable for a diesel-engine M36B2. Parts for a gasoline engine instrument panel are not included either in this etch detail set, or the Academy kit. Those who are very fussy will wish to make note of this and act accordingly when building their model. The turret interior features new tread plate panels, all sorts of boxes and cases for the side walls, as well as gun breach details. There are brackets for the fire extinguisher as well as the chemical decontamination cylinder, and finally, the small spring clamps that hold the 90mm rounds in their ready racks.This set is again, quite easy to use and should be appropriate for a modeler who has used some etched brass in the past.


Eduard products are available at retail and mail order shops and directly from the manufacturer at: www.eduard.cz. Visit their web site for images of reviewed items.